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Will atomic ash crack when coated thick?

 Today, Changxing Baodi atomic ash manufacturer received a phone call from netizens to inquire about the phenomenon of cracks appearing when atomic ash is coated thick?


Baodi, the editor of the atomic ash manufacturer, told everyone that when atomic ash is applied thick, cracks will not appear. Generally, it is caused by problems with the wall during wall construction, and the wall is not dry before being coated with cement. Now, many new houses have been decorated and it is evident that to solve the problem, it is necessary to chisel open the cracked wall surface, apply steel wire mesh, and then apply cement. When it is dry, the atomic ash will be scraped before applying wall paint, If cracks appear when atomic ash is applied thick, use sandpaper to remove the wall paint and repair it again with atomic ash. If cracks still exist after repair, it is a problem with the wall

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